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Diploma in Entrepreneurship Management

Diploma in Entrepreneurship Management



The Diploma in Entrepreneurship Management cultivates business acumen in planning, marketing, and finance, fostering innovation and success in ventures.

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Expiry period 36 Months
Made in English
Last updated at Fri Aug 2024
Total lectures 13
Total quizzes 1
Total duration 00:30:00 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description The Diploma in Entrepreneurship Management cultivates business acumen in planning, marketing, and finance, fostering innovation and success in ventures.
  • Proficiency in business planning, marketing, and financial management
  • Ability to identify and capitalize on entrepreneurial opportunities
  • Skills in developing innovative business models
  • Competence in navigating challenges associated with starting and managing ventures
  • 12th or Graduation
  • English Language
  • Work experience