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Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Management



The Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Management equips students with skills in procurement, distribution, inventory management, and supply chain optimization.

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Expiry period 36 Months
Made in English
Last updated at Fri Jun 2024
Total lectures 26
Total quizzes 1
Total duration 07:35:50 Hours
Total enrolment 1
Number of reviews 0
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Short description The Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Management equips students with skills in procurement, distribution, inventory management, and supply chain optimization.
  • Proficiency in logistics operations and supply chain management principles
  • Skills in procurement, inventory management, and distribution strategies
  • Ability to optimize supply chain processes for efficiency and cost reduction
  • Knowledge of global logistics trends and best practices
  • 12th or Graduation
  • English language
  • Internet / Computer