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Diploma in Management Concepts & Organizational Behaviour

Diploma in Management Concepts & Organizational Behaviour



The diploma covers management theories, HR functions, leadership styles, and strategic management, emphasizing practical skills and ethical considerations.

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Expiry period 36 Months
Made in English
Last updated at Thu May 2024
Total lectures 27
Total quizzes 18
Total duration 09:18:23 Hours
Total enrolment 9
Number of reviews 0
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Short description The diploma covers management theories, HR functions, leadership styles, and strategic management, emphasizing practical skills and ethical considerations.
  • Comprehensive understanding of management theories and principles
  • Proficiency in analyzing and managing organizational behavior
  • Enhanced leadership skills and knowledge of various leadership styles
  • Ability to effectively manage human resources within organizations
  • High school diploma or equivalent qualification
  • English language
  • Internat & Laptop